African Areopagus Society

African Areopagus Society

Uganda Christian University

This society establishes a permanent presence in the campus and community, inviting membership from the faculties of theology and the sciences, students, chaplains, medical practitioners, and administrators. The society is reaching out to teachers and students in area colleges, schools, and religious institutions, government agencies, and NGOs in the region. Integrating a range of scientific views, the society explores issues in ethics, earth and environment, physics and metaphysics, life and health, and the human being. Monthly meetings of the society culminate in three major free public workshops; regular lectures, conferences, and debates; and sponsorship of related cultural and religious events throughout the year. Outreach to promote activities and increase membership includes flyers, newspaper advertisements, and personal invitations. A website, e-newsletter, and a phone-in program on the University’s radio station will support continued communication and activity between meetings. Additionally, the Society is promoting the development of a satellite center in Kabale, Uganda, and bring the two groups together once yearly. Matching funds are provided by Uganda Christian University.