African Centre of Religion and Science (ACRS)

African Centre of Religion and Science (ACRS)

ILASH: Institute of Leadership, Applied Science and Human Security

Founded in 2001, the program of ACRS began with the development of courses in science and religion at Makerere University and the production of a basic reader entitled Understanding Religion and Science in the African Context. Current core members represent the fields of theology, interdisciplinary studies, peace and conflict studies, religious studies, education, public health, agriculture, development, and zoology. The expansion of LSI into ACRS seeks to understand African indigenous knowledge in relation to modern science and faith through hosting workshops, seminars, and discussion forums for students, scholars, and teachers in secondary and higher education. Some of the topics to be explore include health and spirituality; integrative education; and science, faith and African religious traditions. Open events will be publicized and broadcast through national radio and television. To enhance networking and collaboration between LSI groups in East Africa, ACRS will also host an Inter-University Symposium on science and religion, inviting members of LSI groups, civil society organizations, and the public. A newsletter, additional volumes of the established Religion and Science Series, and the African Journal of Health and Spirituality will provide resources for current and future leaders in the field. Matching funds are provided by the Institute of Leadership, Applied Science and Human Security.