Albertus Magnus Society for the Intersection of Religion and Science
Siena Center, Dominican University
River Forest, Illinois
Albertus Magnus, patron saint of scientists, is a thirteenth century Dominican famed for scientific discovery and a theology reflective of the emerging science of the day. Initial membership of this society comprises a diversity of faculty and area professionals in disciplines of applied sciences, political theory, Islamic epistemology, theology, natural science, sociology, physics, biology, pastoral care, ethics and poetics, philosophy, and religious leaders from Jewish and Christian traditions. The sponsoring program – the Siena Center – was founded in 2003 to engage faith and scholarship with contemporary issues of church and society for the benefit of the university community, professional ministers, and the wider community of faith. Sponsoring two dozen events per year, the Center has developed particular expertise in connecting with the local community, developing effective marketing, and launching a successful website. The society will undertake a program of public speakers, regular meetings, and monthly seminars focused on matters of “Sense and Spirit” – a theological reflection based on scientific research in the senses. Public lectures are followed by luncheon conversations on the next day. The goal is a sustainable, vibrant, and long-term society that bridges academic and popular audiences in a way that reflects the Dominican understanding of truth and the intersection of religion and science. The group will actively seek collaboration with other LSI groups in the area. Dominican University provides matching funds.