Bandung Society for Cosmology and Religion (BSCR)
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Bandung, West Java
Combining academicians and scholars in fields of physics, astronomy, philosophy, history, and Islamic studies, the initial phase of this society invites students from ITB and other universities, young scholars and professionals to a series of presentations and discussions on specific topics in cosmological issues in relation to religion and science. Preliminary discussions explore foundational issues in scientific cosmology and discovery; scientific and other modes of knowledge; truth, fact and theory; religion as a source of knowledge; ways of reading and interpreting scripture; and relation between cosmology, philosophy and religion in Islamic and Christian traditions. As the society forms a base for further discussion, they will move into broader and deeper consideration of topics such as “creation” in modern cosmology and from religious perspectives; and life, evolution and Divine action. Further topical material will be identified through the process of growth within the dialogue group itself. Each speaker is provided with readings in contemporary science and faith and asked to write a paper on the topic at hand to be distributed amongst participants in advance of the event. Public lectures, widely advertised in print, radio and mail “aim at a larger audience and offer a broad perspective on the current understanding of the universe and human existence” from religious and scientific approaches. “In the spirit of pluralism this group hopes to extend their attention toward a wider academic and other religious communities in Bandung” to invite new perspectives and foster interfaith engagement in topics of science.