Bangalore Forum for Science and Religion

Bangalore Forum for Science and Religion

Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram

This group of scientists, belonging to the premier science institutions in Bangalore, have been “evaluating scientific discoveries and changes in religious world vision” since September of 1998. One of the Forum’s primary goals is the promotion of the intellectual and spiritual development of its members and the community. Exploring topics such as the historic and contemporary relationship of science and faith and scientific discovery and changes in religious world vision, the Forum shares the discussion by presenting lectures in schools, colleges, seminaries, parishes, and volunteer organizations. Debates, essay competitions, and science exhibitions are also part of the outreach effort. In addition, the Forum attends popular religious festivals and engages in “research on the dynamics and cosmology behind such celebrations.” They also conduct local and national seminars to publicize the science and religion dialogue. Some of these programs may be aired on national television and radio programs. Several of the Forum’s members have a deep interest in art and will aid the promotion of public lectures through producing paintings and posters.