Conversations: A Forum for Spirituality and Science at Jefferson
Department of Pastoral Care and Education
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
“Conversations” hosts a number of activities within and extending beyond the Jefferson campus. The highlight of the group’s activities is a daylong symposium with an internationally or nationally known keynote speaker and breakout groups. Other activities include bi-monthly “Spiritual Care Grand Rounds” presentations, addressing topics such as educating healthcare professionals in the art of empathy and spiritual development, religion and the life sciences, spiritual practices and their psycho-neurological effects, and the ethical implications of emerging technologies. A Community Speaker’s Bureau makes discussions on these topics available to local churches and other institutions, thus expanding the participation in the dialogue. Additions to these major activities include a Jefferson-sponsored webpage, listserv, and book discussion groups. The listserv and webpage announce forthcoming activities and archive past events. The book discussion groups provide an opportunity for small groups to explore specific topics, facilitated by interested members of the core organizing group. Voluntary contributions and dues help to leverage support of the group beyond the full matching funds provided by Jefferson University Hospital.