“Do the Math” Adds Up the Impacts of Fossil Fuels

“Do the Math” Adds Up the Impacts of Fossil Fuels

Universities that want the brightest future for their students ought to stop investing in fossil fuel companies, according to a nationwide climate-change action campaign that was to stop in Utah Monday.

“We will have a huge impact if the university gets involved,” said Shannon Kennelly, an environment and sustainability student at the University of Utah who helped organize the “Do the Math” tour’s visit to Salt Lake City.

A sold-out program at the Salt Lake City Library will include music and speeches, including a keynote by author Bill McKibben. McKibben is the founder of climate-action group, 350.org, an outspoken supporter of climate activist Tim DeChristopher who began writing about the perils of climate change more than two decades ago.

As his latest effort, the Do the Math tour is aimed at connecting the dots between extreme weather, climate change and the fossil fuel industry, whose emissions are blamed for speeding up climate change to worrisome levels. The effort aims to rally public support for getting colleges and universities to divest around $400 billion in fossil-fuel companies.