Environmental Outlook to 2050

Environmental Outlook to 2050

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released a report on Environmental Outlook to 2050: The Consequences of Inaction. Here are a few of the predictions from the inaction scenario:

  • World population is expected to increase from 7 billion today to more than 9 billion in 2050.
  • Cities will continue to grow and, by 2050, nearly 70 percent of the world population will be living in urban areas.
  • World GDP is projected to almost quadruple by 2050, requiring 80 percent more energy in 2050 than today.
  • Global greenhouse gas emissions are projected to increase by 50 percent and could reach 685 parts per million.
  • Global demand for water is projected to increase by some 55 percent due to growing demand from manufacturing (+400 percent), thermal electricity generation (+140 percent) and domestic use (+130 percent).