Faith and Science: A Parish Dialogue

Faith and Science: A Parish Dialogue

Church of the Nativity
Raleigh, North Carolina

Faith and Science: A Parish Dialogue is a parish program bringing together an active core membership representing clergy, professionals in business management, neurology, medical research, biochemistry, and the pharmaceutical industry and includes the wider parish community of physicians, nurses, lawyers, artists, engineers, research scientists, educators and full time parents. Fostering collaborations and support from area academics and leaders, the group undertakes a combination of study and research in specific areas of science and faith; publication of proceedings of monthly meetings to share with the Church and neighboring communities and organizations; and monthly sessions and public forums. The group provides a comprehensive reading list for members that explore the essential concepts in science and religion and their relation to the changing world. The chosen theme for this three year period is: Creation and Evolution – a Dialogue. Their website complements teaching sessions with suggested follow-up readings and a synthesis of the learning and deliberations of the group. Papers emerging from the group will be distributed widely in the Raleigh community, and publicity about programs is sought through local newspapers, radio, and television, and in the diocesan monthly journal. An annual essay competition among parish youth encourages their interest in faith and science. Each year culminates in a Faith and Science Fair celebrating the year’s work in the parish and in the community. In the third year of the funding cycle, the group will implement a community wide education project on the issue of Creation and Evolution. The Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, personal contributions of members, and the Church of the Nativity provide matching funds.