Genetic Frontiers: Challenge to Humanity and Our Religious Traditions

Genetic Frontiers: Challenge to Humanity and Our Religious Traditions

National Conference for Community and Justice
Detroit, Michigan

In 1986, the Muslim, Christian, Jewish “Trialog” Leadership Forum was formed to “promote understanding and education amongst all races and religions of the metropolitan Detroit area through year-long discussions and an annual symposium.” Topics for discussion are chosen yearly; however, the topic of “Genetic Frontiers”, being a diverse and expansive one, will take place over a three-year period. The theme for 2002 was “Challenge to Humanity and Religion: Human Genome Project;” for 2003, “Environmental Engineering;” and for 2004, “Transgenic Issues: Human Genes in Plant and Animal Research.” Comprised of laypersons, clergy, and scholar’s groups meeting throughout the year to discuss the chosen topic, the discussion culminates in the symposium – which joins together these groups to share each religion’s viewpoint. Speakers during the symposium represent each of the religions of the “trialog”. Matching funds are provided by the Detroit chapter of NCCJ.