Greenville Religion and Science Society

Greenville Religion and Science Society

Greenville College
Greenville, Illinois

The Steering Committee of this society includes faculty from the departments of philosophy, chemistry, biology, theology, psychology, and mathematics. Each year, the committee selects one text, as the foundational reading and catalyst for monthly meetings and discussion sessions for society participants. At least once per semester, a local clergy member is invited to present materials. Yearly themes include the historical encounter between the Copernican worldview and the traditional religious views on the cosmos; the implications of Darwinism for Christianity; and the significance of quantum theory from historical and contemporary perspectives. A wide spectrum of faculty, students, local religious leaders, and any interested others will be invited to join the group to develop a “new community of collaborative learners and an invigorating exchange across age, denominational and cultural divisions” in the Greenville area. In this spirit, presentations and other programs offered are open to the public and advertised widely in local newspapers and radio stations. In addition to scheduling invited speakers to present at public programs, a presentation at the College’s chapel service is also scheduled, serving approximately 600 students in the morning in addition to both afternoon and evening lecture sessions. Planning includes topical considerations and fund resources well after the three-year grant term. Greenville College is providing matching funds for this Society.