Grove City Society for Science, Faith and Technology

Grove City Society for Science, Faith and Technology

Grove City College
Grove City, Pennsylvania

Composed of faculty from departments of biology, engineering, religion and philosophy, physics, and psychology, the Steering Committee selects one book each semester to serve as the foundation for the semester’s discussions. With participation from students, faculty, and community members, the Society is facilitating an understanding of the science/religion/technology connection, not only on the Grove City campus, but on neighboring campuses (both secular and private) as well. The Society is also seeking to develop a campus-wide interest in science and religion corresponding with a new (Fall 2006) General Education curriculum requirement of a course on Faith, Science, and Technology. Topics explored include questions such as: “What does it mean to be human?”; the role of technological advancement in matters of faith – i.e., robotics, nanotechnology, AI, and restorative medicine; and a broad and balanced exploration of Intelligent Design theory. In addition to a discussion of foundational texts, activities include public lectures and classroom speakers. All events are advertised locally and on neighboring campuses. Matching funds are provided by Grove City College.