Hot Climate Scientists in Cool Places

Hot Climate Scientists in Cool Places

Ecology is the new theology and women in climate science rock!

“Climate Wake-Up” was the title of Connie’s and my four-church speaking tour in Kentucky in early May. The star of our illustrated talks turned out to be the northern jet stream — and how the 2012 record melt of Arctic sea ice has already altered its course, and thus our weather.

The tour was sponsored by Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light (KIPL), whose tagline is “Making the connection between ecology and theology.” On June 20, KIPL will co-sponsor with the national Unitarian Universalist organization a much larger event: an “Energy for Change” march and rally to be held in Louisville.

Our own little tour through Kentucky pales in comparison with that event. Yet with the power of the Internet, Connie and I are hoping that we can continue to introduce hundreds or thousands more to the hottest new climate science.

Hence, this post of mine, which embeds Connie Barlow‘s newest teaching video: a 42-minute collage of other videos featuring presentations of new findings by some of the top climate scientists publishing thus far in 2013. Since all these scientists happen to be women (and three of them speak about melting of Arctic and mountain glacial ice), we decided upon this nuanced title: “Hot Climate Women Scientists in Cool Places.”

Watch the entire video, or sample directly any of the four “hot climate women scientists” featured (see below the video player for links).

  • Jennifer Francis: Climate change and extreme weather (with emphasis on changes in the jet stream)
  • Julie Brigham-Grette: Pliocene lake sediments reveal forests in the high Arctic (at CO2 levels equivalent to that of today)
  • Natalia Rybcyznski: Fossil of an extinct camel indicates a much warmer Arctic 3.5 million years ago
  • Lisa Graumlich: Glacier National Park to lose all its remaining glaciers