The Inertia Phenomenon of Nature–A Requirement of Absolute

The Inertia Phenomenon of Nature–A Requirement of Absolute

Metanexus: Views. 2002.12.17. 1957 words

“The ‘Inertia’ phenomenon of nature.” Writes today’s columnist DonaldHamilton, “is a requirement of absolute space – that a force must be exertedon a body to accelerate the body (vector motion) or to rise the body to ahigher ‘space energy level (scalar inertial mass). – The inertial mass of abody depends only on the ‘space energy level’ of the body – no motion of anykind is considered. When a body emits a photon only the energy level of thebody relative to absolute space is considered – the motion of the bodyrelative to other bodies or reference points is not considered.”

Ah…but what does this mean about the relation between mass and energy?Especially, if, as Hamilton writes in his title, inertia is a requirement ofabsolute space, and these days, as we all know, things, including spacetime,are relative?

Today’s columnist, Donald L. Hamilton, is the author of the book entitled,”THE MIND OF MANKIND, Human Imagination, the source of Mankind’s power”(ISBN 09649265-1-2, Suna Press, 1996). He is not, however, the DonaldHamilton who wrote the Matt Helm books. For more information, go to his website prior Metanexus column by Hamilton,Imagination: the source of Mankind’s power, appeared on 2002.09.03.


— Stacey E. Ake


Subject: The Inertia Phenomenon of Nature–A Requirement of Absolute SpaceFrom: Don HamiltonEmail: <>

One of the most fundamental and interesting features of nature is the”Inertia” phenomenon. Galileo experimented with it and Newton partiallyexplained it with his famous mathematical equation (F=MA). It states that aforce is required to be exerted on a body to accelerate the body – (tochange its motion in any way).

Newton thought that the force exerted was proportional to the accelerationachieved. This was not quite true however – it was later discovered that asthe body reached higher levels of speed, more and more force was required tomaintain the same rate of acceleration. Such as happens to a proton in acyclotron.

The body had not acquired more matter, only additional force had beenexerted on the body and as a result it simply had risen to a higher ‘spaceenergy level’. The body’s inertial mass (M) became greater! At this higherenergy level – absolute space now required more force be exerted to maintainthe same rate of acceleration. Einstein’s famous equation (E=MCC) explainedthis phenomenon by stating – that the body’s mass and energy are equivalent.This equation represents the scalar inertial mass/energy of the bodyrelative to absolute space. It has no motion or direction or momentum – itsimply indicates the body’s ‘energy level’ relative to absolute spaceitself. This is the body’s ‘inertial mass/energy’. Einstein may not haverealized that his equation represented the ‘energy level’ of a body’relative to absolute space’ but it does.

Newton’s equation (A=F/M) only represents the vector acceleration of thebody – relative to other bodies. The body’s acceleration is measuredrelative to other bodies or reference points only – not to absolute spaceitself. Momentum=Mass x Velocity is also a vector motion – relative toother bodies. (Potential energy another major form of a body’s energy whichis relative to the position of other bodies.)

George Berkeley’s argument against Newton’s pail experiment – to prove theexistence of absolute motion (motion relative space itself) – was that thepail had many motions in space such as the Earth’s rotation, annualrevolution, etc. He didn’t realize that these were all vector/momentummotions relative to other bodies – not to absolute space itself. Thespinning force was causing the water to move against and up the wall of thepail (a vector momentum motion). Relative to absolute space the pail was notmoving.

Newton’s disciple, Sam Clarke was on the right track when he said -“Absolute space is one and essentially indivisible”. Space itself has nocoordinates or dimensions – it has no geometry – a body is always completelymotionless relative to space itself as indicated by the results ofMichelson’s many fruitless experiments to find aether. His experiments wereamong the most successful undertakings of the 19th century however – theyindicated that the Earth was not moving relative to absolute space (nor isanything else). Relative to absolute space itself there is nothing to passby.

A body, at Earth’s ‘space energy level’ however, does possess tremendousscalar energy/forces (the primary energy/forces – electromagnetic(radiation) energy, gravitational energy, nuclear energy). Theseenergy/forces are perceived as the body’s inertial mass. The strength ofthese energy/forces depend on the “space energy level” of the body. Thebody’s energy level relative to absolute space. (Only the four primaryforces of nature are energy/forces, all other forces are ordinary forces andpossess no energy of their own.)

The only way bodies can move about the universe are in relation to otherbodies – in relation to absolute space a body has no motion – only a scalar’space energy level’ which is perceived as its ‘inertial mass’. The restmass of a body varies with its ‘space energy level’. The ‘rest mass’ of aproton on Earth will be different – then a on planet in a galaxy that is ata different ‘space energy level’. The ‘rest mass’ of a body is determined bythe space energy level of its environment. A body at a very low ‘spaceenergy level’ has little or no gravitational attraction power. (This is animportant factor in the formation of stars.)

Atoms of uranium would not be radioactive if they were in an environmentsuch as a galaxy that is at a higher ‘space energy level’ then our Milky Waygalaxy. This could be proven experimentally by rising the energy level of alump of uranium in a centrifuge to see if its rate of radioactivity wasreduced.

“Space energy level” is the energy level of a body relative to absolutespace. A body that is at a very low energy level has very little inertialmass/energy. Inertia would not require as much force for the body toaccelerate – relative to other bodies – or to rise to a higher “space energylevel” – relative to absolute space. The same body at a very high “spaceenergy level” is very massive. Its inertial mass requirement would be veryhigh therefore inertia would require a tremendous force be exerted for thebody to accelerate relative to other bodies or rise to a higher space energylevel (relative to absolute space).

Matter has no intrinsic inertial ‘rest mass’ itself – it is only when aforce is exerted on matter does it began to acquire mass/energy – to rise toa higher ‘space energy level’. Evidence of this is observed when a body isaccelerated in a cyclotron – as its velocity increases it requires more andmore force to maintain the same rate of acceleration. The body is rising toa higher ‘space energy level’ – this is perceived as an increase in thebody’s inertial mass/energy.

There are two fundamental ways of thinking about the energy of matter.(1.) The body can have motion energy – potential energy or kinetic energyrelative to other bodies – (momentum, acceleration, or position).(2.) (2.) The body also has inertial mass/energy – where no motion at all isinvolved – only the scalar energy level relative to absolute space.

1. Momentum/energy – Bodies can zip around universal space relative to otherbodies. The changing positions of a body relative to other bodies – (vectorvelocity) would be the kinetic momentum/energy of the body. This we perceiveas the momentum or acceleration of the body relative to other bodies. Asatellite in orbit has a very high momentum relative to Earth but virtuallyno momentum relative an astronaut space walking next to the satellite. (Abody can also possess a ‘potential energy’ in relation to its position withother bodies.)

2. Inertial mass/energy – the body’s energy level – relative to absolutespace. This is energy that manifests itself as the ‘inertial mass’ of thebody – (there is no vector motion, or momentum whatsoever involved in thisaspect of a body’s energy). It is the scalar nondirectional motionlessmass/energy of the body. At Earth’s ‘space energy level’ environment a bodyof matter contains a tremendous amount of this scalar mass/energy which weperceive as the inertial mass of the body. Einstein’s E=MCC represents thetremendous amount of energy a body of matter possesses relative to absolutespace. This energy represents the four primary energy/forces – not justradiation energy of the body. This inertial mass/energy depends on its’space energy level’ – NOT on other bodies.

Take a bullet for example. The bullet at rest has no vector momentum/energyrelative to other bodies around it but it does have inertial mass (atremendous mass/energy – relative to space). When we fire the bullet from agun it gains tremendous kinetic energy as it accelerates out of the barrel(a vector velocity momentum energy) it also takes on a very tiny additionalinertial mass – relative to space itself (scalar energy). Its space energylevel rises a very tiny amount. When the bullet hits an object both thevector momentum and the inertial mass energies are transferred to the objectand the bullet returns to its original energies. The point is that thebullet, whether at rest or moving always has two energies – one relative toother bodies (vector) and one relative to space (scalar).

The Constancy of the Speed of Light

The concept that a body has no motion relative to absolute space is alsorelevant to when a particle emits a photon. The emitting particle must beconsidered alone in space – having no direction or motion – no other body isconsidered. The photon will always speed away from the particle at the speedof light. Only the emitting body and space itself is considered. It makes nodifference how fast the emitting particle (body) is traveling relative toother particles (vector velocity) – it is motionless relative to absolutespace itself. No matter what direction (relative to other bodies) the photonis emitted the photon will always travel away from the emitting body at thespeed of light.

In conclusion – when we consider the vector velocity momentum energy of abody we must also – always consider the scalar inertial mass energy of thebody – (the energy level of the body relative to absolute space). A bodyalways has two energies – one vector and one scalar – momentum and inertialmass. Space itself has no direction, or geometry (Euclidean or Riemmanian).When you speak of coordinates or manifolds you are not speaking of absolutespace – you are speaking of points or lines within space – not absolutespace itself. Absolute Space does not curve because a body does not moverelative to space. There is no Fitzgerald-Lorentz or Einstein contractionrelative to absolute space because there is no motion involved.

The ‘Inertia’ phenomenon of nature is a requirement of absolute space – thata force must be exerted on a body to accelerate the body (vector motion) orto rise the body to a higher ‘space energy level (scalar inertial mass). -The inertial mass of a body depends only on the ‘space energy level’ of thebody – no motion of any kind is considered. When a body emits a photon onlythe energy level of the body relative to absolute space is considered – themotion of the body relative to other bodies or reference points is notconsidered.


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