Isthmus Society – Dialogue among Religions and Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, Wisconsin
A network of scientists, scholars, religious leaders, students and interested community members, this society has launched a ‘two-fold mission of outreach and scholarly entrepreneurship’ to encourage thoughtful, informed and balanced exploration of issues in science and religion. With a combination of local talent and distinguished visiting scholars, the Society offers at least two public lectures each semester. Public events are advertised through media, an email listserv, strategically placed posters, and announcements on local Public Radio. Several focused reading groups, specifically designed for students, faculty, or groups with the community encourage further public discussion and foster concentrated deliberation around issues identified by each group. Group leaders and their active members select the subject matter for consideration, as group interests emerge through discussion. The Society’s website will serve as a venue for distribution of questions and thoughts prior to group meetings, as well as a resource for materials of interest. The Isthmus Society Internship is encouraging new scholarship in science-faith studies through naming an advanced graduate student to act as managing director of the Society – managing logistical and promotional operations, maintaining the website, and facilitating a reading group. Subjects considered for discussion and presentation are evolution and intelligent design; science and Islam in historical perspective; neuroscience on the frontiers of the mind; biotechnology, transhumanism and faith traditions; machines with souls; and ecology, environment, and the Abrahamic traditions. Matching funds are provided by the Lubar Institute for the Study of Abrahamic Religions of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.