Alberto Ciria
Alberto Ciria is president of the Philosophical Institute Reinhard Lauth, located in Malaga, since 2007. The aim of this Institute is to study the points of union between Christianity, Islam and the Orthodox Church, following Reinhard Lauth’s works. Ciria was born in Huesca, Spain, in 1967. He earned a graduate degree in philosophy from the University of Navarra in 1990 and in 1994 he completed his doctoral degree in philosophy at the University of Saragossa with a thesis on Fichte. Ciria did postdoctoral work at the University of Vienna in 1995 on the thoughts of Heidegger. After this, he collaborated with Reinhard Lauth on the edition, translation and investigation of Fichte’s work for the Fichte-Commision of the Bavarian Academy of the Sciences.
Ciria has translated more than twenty books into Spanish. Some of these works include Heidegger, Fichte, and Reinhard Lauth. He is also the author of more than twenty articles. His most important areas of work are philosophy of art and anthropology of the religion.