Downs, Christian

Christian Downs


In 2005, he completed his Ph.D. at the Department of Theology and Religious Studies of the University of Montreal. His dissertation focused on the cosmological and epistemological aspects of Gérard Siegwalt’s Dogmatique pour la catholicité évangélique. Besides, he holds an MA. in philosophy from the Department of Philosophy of the University of Montreal in which he focused on Ancient and Medieval natural philosophy, with special emphasis on alchemy. He has been closely involved in activities related to the Templeton Research Lectures held at the CÉRUM (Centre d’études des religions de l’Université de Montréal). He is presently doing postdoctoral research in collaboration with Professor Mario Beauregard, Director of the neuropsychological Laboratory of Consciousness and Emotions at the University of Montreal. He has taught science for several years in a regional public High School.