Heller del Riego, Christine

Christine Heller del Riego


Christine Heller del Riego is professor of Electric Machines at the Engineering School (ICAI) of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas of Madrid. Christine is the Director of Sophia-Iberia in Europe – an interdisciplinary project on human evolution, supported by the John Templeton Foundation – of the Cátedra of Science, Technology, and Religion of Comillas University. She is an Electrical Engineer (ICAI 1992) and obtained her Ph.D. from the Université P. et M. Curie (Paris VI) with support for her research project at SUPELEC of a HCM Mobility Grant of the European Commission in 1997. After returning to Spain, she became involved in European science policy and has acted as a Board Member of the Marie Curie Fellowship Association (1998-2000) and of Euroscience (2001-present). She was a member of the Steering Committee of ESOF2004 and of numerous other international scientific conferences and working groups.