Cornelia Faustmann
Cornelia Faustmann was born on February 11, 1986, in Neunkirchen in Austria. In 2004 she passed her school-leaving examination with excellent success in Wiener Neustadt. Within the scope of her final examination she composed a scientific work about Formation and Features of Black Holes, which was awarded by the PG (Austrian Physical Society) and the GAA (Austrian Society for Astronomy and Astrophysics). Since 2004, she has been studying astronomy and Latin at the University of Vienna. She has given lectures on Problems of causality in Einsteins theory of relativity at University, establishments like the math-space and at various schools. Last year she completed the first part of her degree in Latin and she is going to begin with her degree dissertation in 2007.Since March 2007, she has been working at the University of Vienna as a tutor for Latin grammar. For about two years a scientific collaboration as well as a friendship has connected her to Professor Walter Thirring. In February 2007 their book Einstein entformelt (Einstein deformulated) was published, which is the effort to explain special relativity without formulas or arithmetic, but only by the means of diagrams. As a scientist and a humanist she is especially interested in the complementarity of science and religion and the dialogue between these two fields. She also works for the Austrian LSI by organising so-called Kardinal Knig Meetings, which are lectures and discussions about various topics concerning science and religion.