Dannie Jost
Dannie Jost is an external advisor to the Swiss Federal government. In addition to this, she serves as an elected member in the Bernese city parliament since 2007 and is a member of the Liberal Democratic Party. She also serves on the advisory board of “innovation.tank” a social enterprise based in Zurich. Dannie Jost regularly conducts workshops and gives lectures to international audiences. She has advanced degrees in both Chemistry and Physics and has worked in journalism, academia, strategic business consulting, and government.
She was born in Portugal in 1957. Educated in Canada, USA, and Switzerland, she has been associated with the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany, University of Toronto, Cornell University, and University of Berne. She describes her work as that of a Philosopher, Physicist and Writer. With specialized knowledge in intellectual property issues, patents, patent information, optics, solid state, and as a trained third-loop-learning coach and action research scholar, she has taken to exploring the evolution of the relationship between humanity and technology. Her academic interests are in the fields of dynamic complex adaptive systems, language and semiotics, cognition, human thought evolution, technology of relationships, human agency, interaction, artificial intelligence, and communication.