Alam, Edward

Edward Alam


Edward J. Alam is Associate Professor at Notre Dame University, near Beirut, Lebanon, where he has taught philosophy and theology for the last 11 years.  He was Plenary speaker at the World Congress of Metaphysics in Rome in July 2003, and he gave a Plenary address at the First Asian International Conference on Metaphysics and Mysticism in Bangkok, Thailand in May of 2001.  In addition to his involvement in many European and North American international conferences, he has participated in international conferences in Africa, India, Iran, and China.  He has published numerous articles in international journals, and two major books: (1) on the philosophical contributions of John H. Newman’s Grammar of Assent, (2) an introduction to a Philosophy high-school textbook in Lebanon.  As chairman of the Local Society Initiative in Lebanon, he is presently working in the field of the Religion/Science dialogue with an emphasis on inter-religious dialogue.  Dr. Alam was Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Theology, University of Uppsala, Sweden in Fall 2006 and is a member of the Ancient Syriac-Maronite, Roman Catholic Church, a Church that traces its ancestry back to the Apostles and that still uses the language of Christ in their Liturgy.  His wife is a native of Lebanon, and he is of Lebanese descent but born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah.  He and his wife are the proud parents of four children.