Emmanuel Carreira
Emmanuel M. Carreira, SJ, PhD is a Jesuit priest, with Licenciate degrees in Philosophy (Universidad Comillas, 1957) and Theology (Divinity School of Loyola University, Chicago 1961). He obtained a Master in Physics from John Carroll University (Cleveland, OH 1966) and a Doctorate in Physics (The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., 1971) with a thesis on Cosmic Rays directed by Dr. Clyde Cowan, co-discoverer of the neutrino with Fred Reines (Nobel Prize, 1995).
For 32 years he has taught the Philosophy of Nature at Comillas University, in Madrid, and Physics and Astronomy at the college level in Washington and Cleveland, alternating semesters.
He was invited to become an adjunct astronomer of the Vatican Observatory (Castel Gandolfo). He taught a course on galaxies to 20 bishops in 1991, in celebration of the centennial of the Observatory, and cooperated in12 international summer courses
He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Vatican Observatory for 15 years. He has had lecture tours at universities in seven Latin American countries sponsored by the Vatican.