López Aguilar, Fernando María

Fernando María López Aguilar


Fernando María López Aguilar was born in Ateca  (Zaragoza) June 12 June  1947.  Graduate in Physics from  Zaragoza University in 1970, Doctor in Physics from   Autonomous Barcelona University (ABU) in 1977; Associate Professor with tenure since  October of 1982 up to   20 October  of 1990; Full Professor with tenure since 21  October of 1990 up to the present time. He has published around 100 research works in the Electronic Structure of Solids; Quantum Field Theory applied to the Condensed Matter, in particular applied to Condensate states such as low and high transition temperature superconductors, and Bose-Einstein condensates in Insulating Ferro-antiferromagnetic Systems. Also he has published three books, the most recent one, edited by the Revert Editorial in 2007 corresponding to Electromagnetic interaction: Classical Theory.