Weckwerth, Gerd

Gerd Weckwerth


Gerd C. Weckwerth was born together with his twin brother in 1954 in Gelnhausen (Hessen). He received his diploma and Ph.D. in physics from the University of Mainz with feasibility studies of β- and β-γ-coincidence neutron activation analysis at the Cosmochemistry Division of the Max-Planck-Institute of Chemistry. He was co-author of the biggest German technology assessment study of manned space travel at the German Aerospace Establishment in Kln-Porz (1990-93). Since 1995 he has been a scientific co-worker and, since 2000, university lecturer at the institute of geology and mineralogy at the University of Cologne with research projects in cosmo-, geo-, and environmental chemistry. Recently he has been working mainly on the verification of traffic-emitted aerosol components. In 1985, Dr. Weckwerth became the leader of a workshop on “Natural Science and Religious Belief” in an academic Catholic society (KMF-ND) and since 2000 he has been chairman of the new society of public utility “Natural Science and Religious Believe e.V.” In this capacity he organizes conferences and gives lectures mainly at Catholic institutions of education throughout Germany.