Rolston, Holmes

Holmes Rolston


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Holmes Rolston, III, is University Distinguished Professor and Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Colorado State University.

Recent books are: Genes, Genesis and GodScience and Religion: A Critical Survey (20th anniversary new edition in 2006); Philosophy Gone Wild, Environmental Ethics; and Conserving Natural Value.   He has written chapters in eighty books and over one hundred professional articles.   His books have been used as texts in three hundred colleges and universities at home and abroad.  He was recently Visiting Distinguished Professor at Yale University.  His articles have been anthologized over one hundred times.  His work has been translated into fifteen foreign languages.

Rolston was laureate for the 203 Templeton Prize in Religion, the award presented by Prince Philip in Buckingham Palace.  He was awarded the Mendel Mendal by Villanova University in 2005.  He gave the Gifford Lectures, University of Edinburgh, 1997-1998, has lectured on seven continents, and is featured in Joy A. Palmer, Fifty Key Thinkers on the Environment.