Asadipour, Jalal

Jalal Asadipour


Jalal Asadipour is the Research Director of the World Religions Research Center in Tehran where he has been the Head of the Interdisciplinary research Unit at the Department of Science and Religion.  He has lectured in more than 50 meetings and workshops of the Science and Religion Group.  His research has focused on Hermeneutics and Science and Theology issues in general and on divine action, natural laws and "Nafs studies" in Islamic view in particular.

Dr. Asadipour was born in 1962 in Tehran. He started his studies at Tehran Howsa (Islamic Center) after graduating High School in Natural Sciences in 1979. He has been continuing his Howsa Islamic studies at Ghom, and then again in Tehran, reaching the Level 4 in Howsa Studies in 1994, which equals the academic PhD in Islamic Philosophy and Sciences. He received his BA in Western Philosophy from Beheshti University in 1995 and is currently a PhD candidate at the Institute for Philosophy at Vienna University.

He has taught in a number of institutions, universities, and centers including Tehran Islamic Center, the Office for Religious Education, and the Azad University, Tehran, Central Branch in courses for Islamic Philosophy, History of Islam, and Ethics.

He started his cooperation with the Research Center of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (I.R.I.B.) in 1999 and served there until 2006 as the Vice President of Department for Research, I.R.I.B where he has conducted many research programs and projects in Human sciences and theology.