John Brooke
John Hedley Brooke is the Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion and Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre at the University of Oxford, where he is also a Fellow of Harris Manchester College.
A former editor of The British Journal for the History of Science, he has been President of the British Society for the History of Science and of the Historical Section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. In 1995, jointly with Geoffrey Cantor, he gave the Gifford Lectures at Glasgow University, subsequently published as Reconstructing Nature: The Engagement of Science and Religion (T & T Clark 1998; Oxford University Press 2000).
He is also well known for his earlier book Science and Religion: Some Historical Perspectives (Cambridge 1991). He has lectured extensively in many countries and in November 2001 is due to give the "Distinguished Lecture" of the American History of Science Society at its meeting in Denver.