Juan García González
Juan García González is a professor of Philosophy at the Universidad de Málaga. He was born in Madrid, Spain in 1959. In 1981, he obtained a graduate degree in philosophy with an extraordinary prize from the University of Navarra. He then went on to earn his doctorate from the University of Málaga in 1984. He has been a professor there since 1981. He was a visiting professor in 1992 at the Catholic University of Valparaíso in Chile. He was also a lecturer at a several diverse university institutions.
His main books include: El ser y la libertad (1992); El pensamiento de Leonardo Polo (1994); Teoría del conocimiento humano (1998); Principio sin continuación (1998); Introducción a la filosofía de Levinas (2001); Actualidad de la metafísica (2002); Futurizar el presente (2003); y Después de Husserl (2006).
He is a member of several different international philosophical societies. He is currently vice-president of the Institute of philosophical studies Leonardo Polo.