Juan Jose Padial Benticuaga
Juan Jose Padial Benticuaga teaches Philosophy at the University of Malaga. He has researched at the University of Munich, at the Schelling-Kommission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (both in Munich, Germany), and at Glasgow University (UK). He is a member of the Research Group on German Idealism of the University of Malaga, that has translated into Spanish several works of Schelling. Actually, he is member of the Hispanic Society of Studies on Hegel and of the Hispanic Society for Philosophical Anthropology. He is director of the Information Service of Philosophical Bibliography (http://www.philosophybooks.info), Secretary of the Philosophical Institute Reinhard Lauth, and of the Institute for Philosophical Studies Leonardo Polo. He has been specialized in the study of modern metaphysics (particularly: modal ontology), including Spinoza, Leibniz and Hegel. His last papers focused on the roots of the contemporary crisis of the self, trying to overcome some difficulties of the modern approach.