Cerovac, Kresimir

Kresimir Cerovac


Kresimir Cerovac is an electrical engineer and works as Head of the energy department in the Ministry of Economy, Labor and Entrepreneurship of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. Born in Zagreb (1942), his education includes grammar school, Faculty of electricity (B.Sc.) (1961-1966) and Master of Science degree (M.Sc.) (1979). During 11 years he prepared as the author and editor 113 radio broadcasts on Croatian Catholic Radio about the relationship between religion/theology and natural sciences. He is also author of Concordance between Faith and Science and author of more than 140 articles in Croatian newspaper and theological magazines on the subject religion (theology) and science. He is also active public speaker on the mentioned themes. He received the ESSSAT (European Society for Study of Science and Theology) Communications Prize for year 2006.

Kresimir Cerovac is the member and one of founders of Croatian Study Group for モScience and Spiritualityヤ (in the framework of Metanexus initiative).