Iqbal, Muzaffar

Muzaffar Iqbal


Dr Muzaffar Iqbal  is the founder-president of Center for Islam and Science (CIS), Canada. He holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada (1983). He did his post-doctoral work at the Montreal Neurological Institute of the McGill University. Dr. Iqbal has held academic positions at University of Wisconsin-Madison (1984-85), McGill (1986) and University of Saskatchewan (1979-1984). During 1990-1999, he lived and worked in Pakistan, first as Director (Scientific Information) for the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) and later as Director (International Cooperation), Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS). COMSTECH is the main scientific body of the 56 Muslim States of OIC. He was the editor of Islamic Thought and Scientific Creativity (1991-96) Dr. Iqbal’s areas of specialization include intellectual history of Islam, metaphysical and philosophical aspects of the relationship between Islam and science, Islam and the West and Islam and the contemporary world. His published works include Science in Islamic Polity in the Twenty-first Century (ed., 1995), Health and Medical Profile of the Muslim World (ed., 1993), Possible Strategy for Energy Mixes in the Muslim World (Co-ed., 1994), Mineral Profile of the Muslim World (ed., 1995). He is also the author of two novels and more than fifty short stories. Forthcoming publications include Islam and Science (2002) and God, Life & the Cosmos: Christian and Islamic Perspectives (co-ed.)  (2002). Dr. Iqbal is also the editor of Kalam (, an edited and moderated listserver and news service dedicated to the promotion of a constructive discourse on Islam and science.