Creegan, Nicola

Nicola Creegan


Nicola teaches systematic theology at the Laidlaw College and the Laidlaw/Carey Graduate School in Auckland, New Zealand.  Her undergraduate degrees were in mathematics (Victoria University of Wellington), and she also has some training in biology.  She has a masters degree from Gordon Conwell Seminary in Massachusetts, and a PhD from Drew University in New Jersey. She and Tim Meadowcroft are now editing the New Zealand and Australian theological journal, Colloquium.

Nicola was a Templeton course award winner in 1999 while teaching in North Carolina. She later received a course development award for teaching a similar course at the graduate school in Auckland.  Nicola was  a participant in the 2003-2005 Templeton Oxford Seminars in Science and Christian Faith, and is now working on a book on God and Nature, for which she received a Templeton Grant in 2005. She writes a regular column on science and theology for the New Zealand journal Stimulus.

Nicola chairs the LSI, TANSAA (Theology and the Natural Sciences in Aotearoa, Auckland) beginning in 2006.