Orlin Vakarelov
Orlin Vakarelov is currently (since 2003) in the doctoral program of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Arizona. Previously, he has earned a MS in Logic and Computation from Carnegie Mellon University, as well as an MA in Philosophy and BSc in Mathematics and Philosophy from the University of Toronto. Orlin Vakarelov has interests in the philosophy of cognitive science, examining the role of cognition in biological and artificial systems. Particularly, he investigates how cognition emerges in physical and biological system, what defines cognition, and what general cognitive capacities allow advanced cognitive systems to engage in practices such as science or mathematics. Previously, Orlin Vakarelov has worked in area of mathematical logic, category theory and automated proof generation in natural deductive systems, as well as applications to the philosophy of mathematics. He has been involved in the Oscar project, lead by Prof. John Pollack at the U of A, for the implantation a general purpose defeasible reasoned, as well as in the APROS project, lead by Prof. Wilfried Sieg at CMU, implementing an automated theorem prover in natural deduction.