Sezgin, Osman

Osman Sezgin


Osman Sezgin was born in Yozgat in Turkey. He graduated from Marmara University in Istanbul. Following, his MA studies at the Marmara University in The Education Sciences, as a post-graduate student. He was awarded Ph.D. in Istanbul University for an Education studies thesis on The Education of the Turkish Children in Germany. Sezgin has written or translated some 40 articles and books on a variety of topics. He has several articles in Turkish and English. He has delivered various papers and lectures in different country. He is on the editorial board of several academic journals, like The Jurnal of Turkish Cultural Studies in Turkey. His research interests include education, cultural and historical studies and from the point of the philosophy. He presented seminars in service training and conferences in the Turkish War Colleges. Sezgin currently is an Associate Professor Ataturk Faculty of Education, Marmara University.