Blum, Paul

Paul Blum


Paul Richard Blum is T.J. Higgins Chair of Philosophy at Loyola College in Maryland, Baltimore. His area of specialization is history of philosophy with an emphasis on Renaissance, Early Modern philosophy, philosophy of nature and philosophy of religion. He obtained his PhD in Philosophy at the University of Munich, Germany, and his Habilitation (qualification of professors in Germany) at Freie Universitt Berlin. After having taught at the Catholic University of Hungary in Piliscsaba/Budapest he became full professor and Chair at Loyola College in 2002. Among other duties he is co-director of the annual lecture series Cosmos&Creation, with Jim Salomon, S.J. He is also member of the LSI at Baltimore.

Among his over 200 publications, the most recent books are Philosophieren in der Renaissance (2004), Philosophers of the Renaissance (ed. forthcoming at Catholic University of America Press), Renaissance Philosophers on God (forthcoming at Asgate).

The paper is part of a larger project on the problem of mind and body in relation to the immortality of the soul.