Phillip Berryman
Phillip Berryman is a freelance translator and independent scholar in Philadelphia. He was a Catholic priest in Panama City (1965-73), and worked for the American Friends Service Committee in Central America (1976-1980), and continued to do work on Central American issues in the United States in the 1980s. He has received a Walsh-Price fellowship and a Social Science Research Council grant, and was a resident scholar at the Kellogg Institute at Notre Dame (1990). His publications include six books, primarily the churches in Latin America, and he has translated around twenty-five from Spanish and Portuguese, including the two-volume official report of the Chilean government on human rights violations during the Pinochet dictatorship for Notre Dame Press. Since 1993 he has taught an interdisciplinary course on Latin America at Temple University and taught at Swarthmore College in spring 2006. He has read the work of Bernard Lonergan since 1960, and made a presentation at the Lonergan Workshop at Boston College in 2005.