Robert Ulanowicz
Robert E. Ulanowicz is Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Ecology with the University of Maryland’s Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. He is a 1961 graduate of the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute and received a B.E.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University in 1964 and 1968, respectively. He served as Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Catholic University of America before joining the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory in 1970. He is fluent in German, conversational in Ukrainian and has a reading knowledge of Polish, French and Spanish.
Earlier at CBL, Prof. Ulanowicz pursued research into the estuarine hydrography of Chesapeake Bay and on methods for inverse modeling of ecological systems. His current interests includenetwork analysis of trophic exchanges in ecosystems, information theory as applied to ecological systems, the thermodynamics of living systems, causality in living systems, and modeling subtropical wetland ecosystems in Florida (ATLSS) and in Belize. He has applied ecological principles to economic systems and participated in the ongoing dialog between science and religion.
Upon retiring, Ulanowicz moved with his wife to Gainesville, Florida, where he is Courtesy Professor with the Arthur R. Marshall Laboratory of the Department of Biology, University of Florida.