Spiri, Silvio

Silvio Spiri


Silvio Spiri is an Experienced Researcher at “Tor Vergata University” with a postdoctoral Fellowship of the Foundation Saving Bank of Trento and Rovereto.  His research topics include philosophy of mind, psychology, and neurosciences in metaphysic perspectives of Rosmini.  He earned his PhD in Philosophy in 20060 and has a master’s degree from École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) – Sorbonne (Paris).  He is currently studying bioethics at Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in Rome.  Previously, he lectured at The “Regina Apuliae” Theological Institute of the Theological Faculty of Apulia.  He worked from January 2002 until December 2004 with the Cultural Project of CEI at the Catholic University Center (CUC) with a fellowship from Foundation “Communication and Culture” in the field of philosophy with a concentration on the metaphysics of Antonio Rosmini.  His main publication is  Essere e sentimento. La persona nella filosofia di A. Rosmini, Città Nuova, Roma 2004, pp. 288 (Collana Idee/Antropologia nuova serie). National Prize “GENTILE DA FABRIANO” – Section “First work” – Fabriano 22 October 2005.