Ramadan, Tariq

Tariq Ramadan


Tariq Ramadan is currently President of the European think tank European Muslim Network (EMN) in Brussels He is also the Senior Research Fellow at St. Antony’s College (Oxford), at Doshisha University (Kyoto, Japan), and at the Lokahi Foundation (London), a Visiting Professor (holding the chair:  Identity and Citizenship) at Erasmus University (Netherland) and a Professor of Islamic Studies in the Faculty of Theology at Oxford.

Tariq Ramadan has resigned from the post of Professor of Islamic Studies at Notre Dame University (Classic Department) and Luce Professor at the Kroc Institute (Religion Conflict and Peacebuilding).

In October 2007, he was offered a Professorial Chair in Islamic Studies at the University of Leiden. He decided to turn down the offer.

Professor Tariq Ramadan holds an MA in Philosophy and French literature and a PhD in Arabic and Islamic Studies from the University of Geneva. In Cairo, Egypt he received one-on-one intensive training in classic Islamic scholarship from Al-Azhar University scholars.

Through his writings and lectures he has contributed substantially to the debate on the issues of Muslims in the West and Islamic revival in the Muslim world. He is active both at the academic and grassroots levels lecturing extensively throughout the world on social justice and dialogue between civilizations.