Ted Metzler
Ted Metzlerメs B.A. degree in mathematics was followed by an M.S. in computer science and an M.A. and a Ph.D. in philosophy.ᅠ The uniting motivation in this educational path was his fascination with relations between some venerable religious understandings of the human person and the kinds of alternatives being suggested increasingly by artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics.ᅠ Appropriately, most of Tedメs work experience in computer application software development has involved AI applications.ᅠ In the year 2000, responding to the sense of a personal calling to help improve dialogue between the communities of religion and science (particularly, in the area of AI), he returned to school and earned an M.A. in theology.ᅠ Ted currently is Director of the Darrell W. Hughes Program for Religion and Science Dialogue at Oklahoma City University.ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ