Bolognesi, Tommaso

Tommaso Bolognesi


Tommaso Bolognesi (Laurea in Physics, Univ. Pavia, 1976; MS in Computer Science, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1982) is senior researcher at ISTI, an institute of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) at Pisa, where he started  working in 1977, first on computer-supported sound synthesis and music composition, and then on formal methods for the design of concurrent systems.  He has contributed to the definition of the LOTOS language, an ISO standard, has participated in various national and international projects, has been a PC member of various international conferences and workshops, has been external professor of Software Engineering at the University of Siena, and has published a number of papers on formal methods and related topics.

Since 2005 he has developed an interest for Digital Physics, Wolfram’s NKS, and all theories that assume a substantial identity between the computational and natural universe.  Currently he spends most of his research efforts on discrete models of space and spacetime based on graph rewriting.