Wieslaw Sztumski
Master of theoretical physics (Jagiellonian Univesity, Cracow); doctor of philosophy (Warsaw University); state doctorate of philosophy (University of Leipzig, Germany).Worked in Medical Academy (Cracow), Academy of Mining and Metallurgy (Cracow), Technical University (Czestochowa), Silesian University (Katowice), retired in 2004. He participated actively in about 185 state and international conferences/congresses in different countries. (For example: XX. World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, 1998; Congrs Mondial Coexistence humaine et dveloppement durable, Montral, 2000; World Congress City and Man, Napoli, 2000; The 5th Conference On Global Economic Analysis, Taipei, Taiwan 2002; 1st World Hongming Philosophy Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii 2004; Biomedicine within the limits of human existence, Doorn, Netherland 2005; VIII. Leibniz Congress, Hannover, 2006)Member of: Polish Philosophical Society, Section Philosophy of Polish Academy of Sciences, International Society for Universalism, Biopolitics International Organization, International Association of Philosophers.Publications:Author of about 210 papers and books in Polish, German, French, Russian, Slovak and English in philosophy of nature, methodology, philosophy of technique, philosophy of science, philosophy of education and ecophilosophy (ecology of time, ecology of faith). Latest books (in Polish):1. We, Lost in the World (A contribution to the philosophy of life environment as a basis for environmentology), 20042. Quo ruis homine? (People, time and life milieu) 2006 (in printing)