North Central Program for Science and Theology

North Central Program for Science and Theology

Minnesota Consortium of Theological Schools; Science Faith Roundtable
St. Paul, Minnesota

The Minnesota Consortium includes Bethel Seminary, Luther Seminary, St. John’s University, University of St. Thomas, and United Theological Seminary. The Science Faith Roundtable, founded in 1986, represents an independent affiliation of scientists and religious leaders that meet monthly to discuss texts and “promote understanding of the relation of science and religion as a positive and dynamic factor in contemporary culture.” Additions to Roundtable meetings include widely publicized quarterly lectures, designed to enhance local discussion, and regular public offerings on focused topics. Lectures and readers of selected material enhance the development of a network of discussion groups, modeled after the Roundtable. Readers contain materials for six-week discussion sessions. These include self-guided readings and discussion of topics such as human consciousness; evolution and creation; intelligent design theory; faith and ecological crisis; and human cloning. Future goals of the Program include seeking additional sponsorship through area institutions and expanding to include as many colleges and universities in the North Central region as possible. This three-time awardee of the Metanexus LSI supplemental grant has enhanced its programming through extensive outreach, networking and development of materials to support the formation of dialogue groups across their region. Matching funds are provided by Luther Seminary, Bethel Seminary, and individual donations.