Religion and Science Roundtable

Religion and Science Roundtable

St. Andrews Presbyterian College
Laurinburg, North Carolina

Monthly gatherings take place during the academic year including faculty, students, community members, and members of area faith communities. The “two-fold aim” of the program includes sustaining an enduring conversation and intimately including students in the discussions. To support these goals, each year, three gifted students are identified to receive a modest fellowship stipend to serve in a leadership capacity within the Roundtable. These students are given the opportunity to attend one or more conferences that address interests in faith and science and are expected to make presentations to Roundtable members. Meetings seek to promote balanced and constructive dialogue to promote a “better, general understanding of issues, rather than any specific consensus”. Core planning society members meet over dinner on a regular basis to discuss and explore program and future planning. Plans include an initial exploration through readings and discussions, while outside speakers, faculty, students and community are also invited to present topics and lead discussions of their choosing. The group’s discussion focuses on general issues involved in facilitating a dialogue between religion and science, with particular attention given to philosophical, historical, linguistic, and practical issues. Outreach activities regularly invite and include others in the explorations through Roundtable Events and the speaker’s bureau. The Roundtable envisions becoming a recognized resource on the subject of science and religion for local community, state, faith communities, businesses and industries as well as other educational institutions. Projected plans reach well beyond the three-year granting term. Matching funds are provided by the gifts of St. Andrews Presbyterian College alumni.