Science-Theology Society of La Plata

Science-Theology Society of La Plata

Fundación Diálogio Entre Ciencia y Religión (DECYR)
The Protestant School of Theology Instituto Universitario ISEDET 
Buenos Aires Catholic University in La Plata

The main objective of the Science-Theology Society of La Plata is to create a framework for meetings and reflection, promoting an intellectual and spiritual sensitivity through the study of boundary questions between science, cosmology, and religion. The La Plata Society encourages and stimulates local academic centers in their own efforts to promote this dialogue, as well as to promote the debate and conversation in different cultural settings. Specific areas of interest include: religion, culture, and evolution; different rationalities in relation to contemporary worldview; freedom, chance and determination in science and religion; new concepts and theories on nature and the implications on classical themes of Christian theologies; the mediating role of philosophy in the dialogue between science and faith; the impact of technology for contemporary symbolic representations and ethics; medicine, faith, and science; and Native South American and non-Western worldviews and their contribution to the science-religion debate. Bi-monthly meetings, annual conferences, workshops and seminars, participation in TV programs, and translation activities to create a Spanish collection on science and religion provides a base for broad participation and outreach into academic, spiritual, and general local communities. Members of this society, in existence since August 2003, consist of graduate and undergraduate students, faculty, researchers, and others from fields of the sciences, theology, philosophy, and religious studies, combined with members of Evangelical, Protestant, and Roman Catholic Church bodies.