Seminario Interdisciplinario de Investigación Sobre el Humano: Ciencia, Filosofía y Teología (SIISHCFT) Interdisciplinary Seminar of Research on the Human Being: Science, Philosophy and Theology
Universidad Intercontinental
Mexico City
This group enlists members of local academic and faith communities to explore the intersection of faith, bio-anthropological science, philosophy, theology, and psychoanalysis. Activities include bi-monthly discussions, forums of core members of the society, academic forums for the philosophy faculty and community (students, professors, and investigators), and hosting conferences in partnership with leading institutions in Mexico and Latin America. Additionally, bi-annual symposia bring together members of local and international academic and faith communities to continue considerations in an open and interactive environment. Topics for discussion are chosen twice yearly by a core group of planners, with the goal of promoting transdisciplinary research to promote the understanding of the human being in contemporary culture. Follow-up workshops and the formation of further networking and dialogue groups throughout Mexico and Latin America are planned.