Tradition Confronts Innovation
Hillel at the University of Penn
Orthodox Community at Penn
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
With the wide-reaching support of Hillel of Greater Philadelphia, the Orthodox Community at Penn (OCP) opens this project not only to its core constituency but to all members of the university community. This student led society meets monthly to explore spirituality and science as it relates not only to traditional Judaism, but with a welcoming eye on diversifying the conversation through inviting and encouraging comparative perspectives. Monthly meetings are prefaced with a bibliography of published texts and readings, and are moderated by faculty members identified as bringing expertise to the subjects under consideration. Some of the diverse issues to be explored are evolution, euthanasia, stem cell research, origins, animal research and organ transplantation. The entire university community is invited to talks on specific topics. Publicity targets both the Penn campus and the greater West Philadelphia community. Matching funds for this program are provided by the Orthodox Community at Penn.