Treasure Valley Science-Religion Institute

Treasure Valley Science-Religion Institute

Northwest Nazarene University
Nampa, Idaho

A faculty-based initiative, this society’s steering committee is composed of faculty from Northwest Nazarene University, as well as Albertson College of Idaho. Both institutions are located near the Treasure Valley of southwestern Idaho – the most heavily populated region of the state. The committee represents a range of disciplines including theology, philosophy, chemistry, counseling, history and political science, English, physics, art, religious studies, biology, psychology, environmental studies, and psychology. The institute sponsors events that provide opportunities for students and faculty to gather in interdisciplinary dialogue over issues in which science and religion intersect. Plans incorporate science-and-religion discussion groups, faculty reading groups, and regular opportunities for prominent figures to meet with groups and relevant classes. Special attention is given to events that foster interaction between other institutions and faith communities to promote a larger, more diverse public dialogue. Themes for consideration include: stem-cell research, history of creation-evolution controversy, altruism, Wesleyan contributions to science, contributions of process thought, biology and purpose, evolutionary psychology, creatio ex nihilo and the Big Bang, the problem of evil and the natural world, methods and frameworks for thinking about science and religion. Outreach includes releases to newspapers, radio and television; and email listings. Matching fund commitment is made by Northwest Nazarene University and the Wesley Center.