The Universe Verse – A rhyming guide to our origins

The Universe Verse – A rhyming guide to our origins

The Universe Verse is a series of three scientifically-accurate rhyming comic books about the origins of the Universe, life on Earth and the human race. It introduces and illuminates the most fundamental features of our existence in a way that is engaging and accessible to a wide audience, including young children. 

The first two of these books are already published and available to the public as 7″ x 10″ paperback books & PDF eBooks.  The second one, It’s Alive! was funded on Kickstarter in 2010.  Now author and illustrator James Dunbar has finally finished illustrating the third and final book: Great Apes! and he’d like to put all three of them together into a single book and do a high-volume, high-quality, 8.5″ x 11″ hardcover print run.

To pay for that printing (and some other fun rewards) James was trying to raise at least $10,000 in his Kickstarter campaign. The campaign has already exceeded its initial goal and pressed onward in hopes of reaching $25,000. The reward? Free PDF downloads of coloring book versions of the entire series.

Be sure to check out the Kickstarter campaign and access the already-released PDF’s.