UWS Psychology and Spirituality Society
Department of Psychology, University of Western Sydney
This society draws together members from the university, theological colleges, and educational establishments in Sydney with practicing psychologists, psychiatrists, chaplains, and health care professionals. The group aims to promote open, scholarly discussion around topics in spirituality and psychological health; to challenge academic and health communities to consider philosophical and theological perspectives; and to promote and disseminate research related to spirituality and psychological health. Topics to be explored include the historical context of research in spirituality and psychological health, contemporary debates in the history of psychology, and the nature of spirituality and its relation to psychology as a science. Two central themes of inquiry inform their explorations: 1) What is the nature of human spirituality and how can its psychological manifestations be discerned? 2) What are the consequences of spirituality for psychological health? With these inquiries in mind, the group examines current empirical findings related to spirituality and psychological health and seeks new collaborative research possibilities. They hope to incorporate concepts from theology and psychology into useful publications to disseminate their work to the field.